Thursday, November 27, 2008

"My friend Min..."

That's how it started, and is how it always starts. The very first time Arran mentioned his friend Min, I immediately assumed it was one of his little friends from Thai Church. It was an Asian sounding name and one that I didn't recognize. However it quickly dawned on me that Min is, in fact, Arran's imaginary friend!

This isn't the type of friend that he pretends to talk to, or blame things on, or play with, but rather, a friend about whom he has countless stories and facts to relay to us. Some of them are quite elaborate and fantastical and I only wish I had written down more of the details, as already, it is hard to recall all the 'facts'. But here are a few things we have learned about Min:

  • He lives on Jupiter.
  • He is invisible, because he is a spirit. He is bigger than everything, but not as big as God!
  • He's Chinese - because he eats Chinese food.

  • He's coming to earth in a rocket for Thanksgiving, then he will drive a car.

  • He is 4 years old one day, but 40 the next.

  • He has a pet mosquito. The mosquito didn't have a mummy or daddy and Min's mummy found it one day when she was driving. She stopped the car and quickly popped it into a cage.

  • Min helps Arran get into the TV so that he can get Sid the Science Kid's pyjamas. He has a bridge made of TVs, all the way to Jupiter.

  • He has a pet fish. His pet fish doesn't swim under water though, he has legs and walks on land. He can't breath through his nose and can't breathe under water, so he's in heaven and God keeps him alive.

  • He doesn't know God - although Arran is teaching him.

  • He's decided he doesn't like Jupiter anymore, so now that he's a grown up he lives in Africa.

I wonder how long Min will be around.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

No stopping her now!

She may have taken her first steps a while back, but Thursday she turned a corner. She decided that maybe walking was the way to go after all!

Instead of her usual reticent steps between James and I, she suddenly decided that it would be fun to walk, just for the sake of walking. She's so cute, with both hands held high for balance.

By Friday night she had also mastered getting back up to standing on her own, as opposed to crawling to the nearest set of legs/coffee table/couch etc. to aid her in getting back to her feet.

She is incredibly proud of herself and of course we're proud of her too (if a little sad at how quickly this has come around). And she still has another week before she's one year old!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

California Academy of Sciences

Yesterday we finally made it to the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. It opened in September and after a dismal attempt to visit for for free on opening day (the lines were horrendous and they were turning people away), we went yesterday. The third Wednesday of each month is free for everyone, which saved us $50, which these days is not to be sniffed at! When we pulled up the line looked pretty awful, but James dropped me off with the girls, while he went to park the van, with Arran and by the time he was back in line with us, we were at the steps about to go in.

It's a pretty cool place with some great exhibits. We could wheel Asia's stroller right up to most of the displays, which she enjoyed. The aquarium on the lower level was fun, with walls of glass allowing for close-up inspection of all the fish. The penguin exhibit was great, with the penguins swimming right up to the glass and looking us in the eye...Bryttain would flinch a little as they swam just inches from her face, then grin each time as she realized they actually couldn't hurt her.

There was a play area for 0-5 year olds, which provided a great little break and breathing space from the crowds. It also allowed for Asia to practice her walking and fall, again, smashing into the corner of a toy ship, adding more bruises to her already overly bruised face, just minutes before falling and getting a nosebleed. This walking lark is not as easy as it's cracked up to be!

Unfortunately, with it being a free day it was a little crowded and the line for the rain forest dome was probably around an hour long, which wasn't going to work with three little ones, as well as the fact that all the passes for the Planetarium had been distributed earlier in the day. I guess that's what you get for being cheap! As it was, the children were all exhausted by the time we left and really could not have lasted any longer. Bryttain, carried by Daddy was asleep before he even made it back to the van, bless her and everyone else was falling apart.
Definitely worth a visit and great for all ages.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A great weekend :)

We had such a wonderful weekend. On Saturday we had a family day and took the kids to Nut Tree; a mini theme park aimed at younger children. It wasn't huge, but it was PERFECT for us with our kids at the ages they are. There was only one ride that Bryttain was too short to go on, which is pretty amazing as she's not three yet, and that was the roller coaster. Arran and I stood in line to go on it, whilst James waited with the two girls. He was so excited....until we got on and were sat in the seats with the barriers across our laps.

"I'm just not sure about this.....I'm just not sure about this!" I asked him if he wanted to change his mind and get off and once again he repeated, without a yes or no "I'm just not sure about this!" at which point I quickly signalled the woman operating the ride and asked her to let us off.

We went on everything else; the train ride (a couple of times), bumper cars, hot air balloon ride, aeroplane ride, rocking horses, carousel, rescue squad, some the kiddies went on a couple of times. Asia was so cute, she desperately wanted to go on everything and would watch her older brother and sister, pointing and clapping (her sign for more) grunting and pleading with us.

We were there for about 4-4 1/2 hours and had to drag them away. It was a great day.

On Sunday, after church and naps, our wonderful friends took all three kids(!) so that James and I could have a date. It was so nice just to wander around together, just the two of us and then get some Thai food. Thai Issan, one of the Thai restaurants in town has new owners since we were there last (a long time ago). They now have a traditional seating area where we sat on the floor to eat, as well as (with it being an earlier date) happy hour, with $3 cocktails and $1 summer rolls or chicken satay!!! Can't beat that, especially as we were also able to combine it with our Savings Card and do buy one get one free for our meals :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Me, my munchkins and the chickens!

I'm so sad I chopped off their little feet....note to self, take better care framing your shots next time. Oh well!

The weather here the last couple of days has been wonderful. It's hard to believe we're in the middle of's been hot! This morning it was already warm by ten, a beautiful, bright, glorious day. I had no plans for the morning, so I decided, as it had been far too long, I'd take the kids outside and snap some photos. Of course with it being so early in the day, the light really was way too harsh, so we ended up in a shady spot (as I'd banned sunglasses as well). They are just too cute these kiddies of mine. I love them SO much!!!!

My boy has the most amazing eyelashes - they're so thick and long that it looks like he's wearing eyeliner!

Once I got in the shot, Arran and Bryttain both wanted to take turns with the remote. While Asia was quite happy to munch on twigs.

Our lovely neighbour, Joanne, who has the most amazing garden, came out to tell me that she has chickens and a rooster now, and to take the kids by to see them, so we spent some time hanging out by the coop.

It was very simple and the kids totally had fun, so did I.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Our little black cat :)

I forgot to put up a photo of Asia, dressed up for the Harvest Festival we attended here at a local church. She looked so freaking cute, that I had to quickly add it. We didn't have anything planned for her, after all she's just a baby and wasn't asking to get dressed up. I pretty much threw this together in a few top and trousers, black sock for her tail, eye liner for her nose and whiskers, all we had to make were her ears.
She's SO precious!

The best of times...

My favourite thing to do in this world is spend time together as a family doing something fun. I just love to see my kids excited and happy about a new adventure. Having conversations together, getting to hear their perspective and share their simple joy.

For a while they've talked about sailing on a boat and today James didn't have any work so we decided to take a ferry to the city. Not sailing by most people's standards, I realize, but to our little ones it was a dream come true. The excitement started when I told them mid-morning of the plan, they both inhaled sharply, wide-eyed and Bryttain clapped her little hands together laughing while Arran grinned from ear to ear.

Of course, as usual, it took us a good couple of hours just to get out of the door. What with organizing layers of clothing, packing lunch, finding hats, nappies (diapers), dummies (pacifiers), as well as all of the other last minute things that come to mind when you really just need to leave, it just always takes much longer than anticipated.

Excitedly waiting to board the ferry.

They were just over the moon as we pulled up to the ferry terminal in Larkspur and they could see the ferry. It was the most beautiful day, one we could not have ordered, for a trip to the city. Normally, no matter what the temperature in Marin and Sonoma, once you get to the city it's cold and windy, but it was bright, warm, sunshine. Not one of us wore any of our layers all day, apart from on the ferry ride home, where it was rather windy out on deck.

It was a little blustery on deck.

After arriving in San Francisco, we used our transfer to ride a muni-trolley as close to Ghirardelli Square as we could get, walking the last three blocks. Riding the trolley just added to the adventure, was is a bus? A train? It didn't matter, it was all so fun.

Riding the trolley

Approaching Ghirardelli Square

Arran being a parrot (don't ask me why), complete with squawking!

Of course, our reason for heading over to Ghirardelli Square was to get our dessert....famous Ghirardelli Sundaes. I've wanted to do this for a long time and never done it, until now. What a treat! Arran opted for a chocolate milkshake, while Bryttain selected a vanilla ice-cream cone (which as she was a child, came with sprinkles), while James and I both got sundaes. Mine was called Midnight Reverie; dark chocolate ice-cream with hot fudge sauce and cream, James was an Espresso something-or-other; similar to mine but with espresso ice-cream instead of the chocolate. They were good, but so rich. If you know me, you know that chocolate is a weakness of mine, but it really was just too much! I know it's hard to believe, but it's time, I think, assuming we can agree on a flavour, James and I can just share one.

After a ride back on another trolley car, we boarded the ferry again and made it home in time for a quick bite of dinner, before we took Arran to Awanas.

A couple of my favourite comments from the day.

Arran: "Are we going to go on the jolly again?" - he mis-heard trolley as jolly and insisted on calling them jollies most of the afternoon.

Arran: "Chocolate is huge flavour!" - after I'd asked him if he enjoyed his milkshake

Bryttain: "Yours is gooder than mine!" - this was said with very big eyes immediately following swallowing a bit of my chocolate ice-cream, which made her vanilla pale in comparison. Of course I'm glad she chose vanilla, she has more than enough energy and did not need caffeine to add to the mix :)

Bryttain: "Thank you for lettings us ride on your bus" - she said this so sweetly to the muni man. It's the sort of thing we'd naturally expect to hear from Arran and it was so precious to hear it, unprompted, from her.