Thursday, November 26, 2009


When you live in a different country, you get to inherit their holidays too. The two main 'new' ones, not celebrated in England are the 4th July, when Americans celebrate their independence from Britain and Thanksgiving when they give thanks (originally for their new land, away from Britain).

I have to say that I really enjoy Thanksgiving, it is a time for reflection and gratefulness, for fantastic food and way too much of it. It is like Christmas, but without all of the gifts and the craziness and all the running around.

I have so much to be thankful for; a family who bring me such joy and make me laugh and give me unconditional love. My husband who adores me, who thinks I am beautiful, who pushes me to be more and do more, who is my biggest fan, my best friend. Friends, who love me with my many flaws and give me advice and encourage me when I am feeling down. A heavenly father who has given me all of this and so much more, who gives me hope, who cares about the little things and answers my prayers. I just feel so blessed.

There are days when I can lose sight of all of the good things, when I get caught up in the nitty-gritty, the kids bickering, the laundry and mess around me, but when I take a step back to look at the bigger picture, I am in awe of all that I have and can more easily stop focusing on what I do not have.

Whatever country you live in, I hope that you can take the time to slow down and back-up and think about all that you have to be grateful for. Not just today, but any day, every day!

Friday, November 13, 2009


I am SO far behind in my posts, but I cannot go any further without a nod to Magnet Man! Halloween is such a huge holiday here, with all the kids dressing up to go trick or treating, parades at school, church parties, it was quite exhausting.

About two or three weeks beforehand, Arran had announced that he wanted to be Magnet Man. We had no idea who, or what Magnet Man was, but I was the all-amazing-mommy expected to make the costume. He kept trying to describe it to me, but it was too much to take in, so finally daddy sat down with him and as Arran carefully described all the details, James drew! This was the final result.

It was a bit of work (finding white clothes for a little boy, was in itself, quite the task) and towards the end it was a little stressful. I had been attempting to make a helmet from paper mache, when James decided to buy a used sports helmet, which he then miraculously converted and embellished for our finished product. Magnets were sown into his gloves and he was a happy camper.

I was very grateful that this year Bryttain wanted to be a ballerina one night and a princess another, with Asia oblivious to the whole event. I only had it in me to work on one costume and realize that in years to come I will have to be planning and preparing a lot further ahead as the three of them come up with more elaborate ideas.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pumpkin patch field trip

Last Wednesday I got to go on my first field trip with Arran, to a local pumpkin patch. He was very excited, to say the least and the fact that I came with him, to him was an added bonus. What a sweetheart.

The fun always starts with a ride on the school bus.

All the kids from the five K/1 classes, assembled on the hay bales, listening to instructions.

Climbing the hay bales. Arran on the far right with his hooded jacket. They also got to milk a cow and dig for potatoes.

Arran is not a boy to be rushed! He took a LONG time, searching for his perfect pumpkin.

Arran with one of his buddies, Will, peering over the tractor trailer they got to ride on. Disembarking with their prize pumpkins.

There was also cheese tasting, which my boy graciously declined as well as ice cream sampling, by which time I had to leave to pick up the girls. It was fun to get to experience another aspect of school life with him.

Up close

Last Tuesday was Bryttain's ballet class and a little birthday party in the late afternoon. I did not get photos of the party but had borrowed a macro lens from a friend and tested it out in the garden. It was fun, and I have subsequently bought the same lens on e-bay. :) Here are a few of my test shots.

It is a whole new adventure and a new way to look at things. I think I am going to enjoy it. Hmmm, maybe I need to start playing around with some textures too now. Like I have any more time to do any more!