Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 2

The second day of school was just as successful and much easier and less traumatic than the first. Arran was happy for me to walk him to his classroom and leave, then the girls and I headed over to Bryttain's for Read and Greet time. I love that this is how the day is started, for the first two years, with parents and children reading together for 20 minutes.

Read and Greet time. Yes, thank you for noticing the toll that the new early morning routine is taking on me. I know I look far from my best...and the girls would much rather be reading than looking in a camera. Has to be done though :)

Once we had left school, I raced down to San Anselmo to pick up my camera, which I had taken in for cleaning. We arrived a little before 9::30am, only to discover that the store would not be open until 10am. Oh well, it was the perfect excuse for Asia and I to have a little date as we waited. She chose hot chocolate and a little mini-cupcake, while I opted for tea with my cupcake. We sat and chatted together and she drew some flowers on napkins and her paper plate. It was a sweet time.

I am looking forward to all the time the two of us are going to spend together and am a little sad that I was not able to have that same time with Bryttain. We will see how quickly she tires of me though.


Today was Bryttain's first day of school and Arran's first day as a second-grader. It was a big day! Bryttain was very excited and totally ready to start this new world. Of course, having watched Arran for the past two years and feeling like she already knew his teacher and half of her new classmates (it is a K/1 class) all made her feel completely comfortable. She picked out her outfit the night before and told me how she would like her hair done. As far as she was concerned, this was a good day.

Asia and I took Bryttain to her classroom where the children were settling in with a few projects. I sat with her as she did some puzzles and some drawings.

Things were a little harder for Arran. He had been with the same teacher for two years, in the same classroom and had really blossomed. In many ways it seemed harder for him than his very first day of school. He cried walking from the car to school and I was very grateful (again) for the flexibility that James has, with being self-employed, it was definitely a two parent day.

It was a strange day for me, I felt hollow, is the best way I can describe it. To think that in another couple of years all three of my children will be in school, is bizarre. They have been my life for the last seven (plus) years, but they really are growing up!

I ran a few errands with Asia and before we knew it, it was time to pick up Bryttain. Wednesday is always a short day, with Bryttain finishing at 12pm (instead of 11:45am) and Arran at 12:45pm (instead of 2:30pm).

She had a great day. She told me it was "So much fun", she didn't want to go home and was asking to go back tomorrow. I couldn't have been more proud of her, or have asked for more. It would have been pointless to race home for lunch, only to race back again to get Arran, so I brought a packed lunch for us and we sat in the park down by the school for half an hour, me and my girls.

 She called daddy to tell him all about her day.

Then we got Arran. I was so happy and relieved that not only had he survived his day but he was looking happy again. Both girls gave him huge hugs. Love those amazing kiddos!

Of course we could be having to do something very similar in another month or so...