Monday, March 26, 2012

Kindies Take The Stage

I know it seems like this whole blog has become about Bryttain, it's just that she's the one who likes to try out new things, which we're all for. She just finished an after school program called 'Kindies Take the Stage' which was just once a week for an hour. They finished up with a little performance which we all got to watch tonight.

It was pretty basic but it was fun to see her on stage, especially as I enjoyed drama so much when I was in school. They did a little show loosely based on nursery rhymes.

 Waiting for the show to start.

My precious little blind mouse.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sweet girl

Still can't believe she's six.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Starting softball

We signed Bryttain up for softball this year and here are a few photos from the first practice this week.
She was very shy and nervous when we first arrived, she knew one girl from her class at school but all the rest of the girls were new to her and the game was brand new too. I hope it's going to be fun.

I was very glad daddy was able to come for the first practice as it helped her get out there and I had the other two to watch as well as take photos. (They played well together and made paper airplanes)

It's a whole new adventure!

Bryttain turns 6

February 28th was Bryttain's birthday. Six years old! This is one exuberant little girl, she challenges us but also brings us so much joy. What kid does not enjoy opening birthday presents?

As we were thinking about birthdays I realized that she had never had a birthday party of her own. With Arran and Bryttain's birthdays only being two weeks apart, we have done several joint birthday parties but because of that we have kept them pretty generic. Of course we didn't have space to host a party but then it dawned on me that they have rooms at the seminary that we might be able to rent. Turned out we could, and at a great rate, so I set about planning a girly party for my girl.

Turns out planning a party that you have to set up elsewhere in a limited amount of time instead of gradually putting together in your own home, is a lot of work. But it was fun! After going back and forth and back again, rather than making her decide on a single theme, it became a princess/ballerina/fairy party with the girls encouraged to come in costume, with a couple of baskets of alternatives for them to change into or for those who hadn't come in costume.

We had almost 30 little girls between, family, friends and school friends. Throw in some sugar and that was a lot of energy and personality (!) to be contained in one room. We had crafts and dancing games and of course food and a pinata.

The girls got to make ribbon wands.

There was coloring and they got to decorate little tiara crown headbands.

Dancing games.

The pinata was so much fun and then they all pounced.

Our sweet girl. Not sure how soon we'll do a party to that scale again but it was worth it.