Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

The big day arrived and with it one of the highlights of the year - our church easter egg hunt.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Preparations

We love the traditions that we have as a family, that they expect and look forward to. Easter and filling eggs at the Busches (for the church hunt the next day) is one of those fun traditions that we get to share with friends. It used to seem a little overwhelming but the kids are all getting older and so much more capable that this year was a breeze, we seriously finished in record time.
All the kids minus Judah - that's quite the crowd. They were so little when we started (and the group much smaller)

Then we got to do a little trial run egg hunt.

Always fun to hang out with friends and it makes the work much more enjoyable. The kids all did a great job with such great attitudes. 

They're baskets are ready and waiting for them to find in the morning.