Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bryttain Builds A Bear

Bryttain got a bucket-load of  gifts for her birthday this year. That's what happens, I guess, when you invite so many friends. I love all the crafts and projects that have kept her busy for months. Yesterday she decided she wanted to sew and in spite of my doubts, she pretty much accomplished the whole project herself. A couple of times I needed to read an instruction or explain it, but she worked hard and was so proud of herself.

At the end she ran into her room, made her bed (bonus) and added her new little bear to her collection.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Last Days of School

So hard to believe that the school year is already over. It's crazy. I have to say, I am relieved that it ended MUCH better than it started out, that's for sure.

Yesterday the 2nd graders had a field day, with games and fun activities. I'm always glad to be able to go to these events, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if Arran would do better if I wasn't there. He ends up just hanging out with me, instead of with the other kids.

Although it wasn't the last day of school, it was Bryttain's last day with her teacher, as her own son attends a different school and was going to be graduating and she was going to attend that. She has been such a wonderful teacher for Bryttain.We have loved Ms. Flores.

Today was the official last day and Mr. G had nice things to say about all his students. It was so great for Arran to have a male teacher this year, especially one with such a great balance of fun but still keeping control of those crazy kids.

Bryttain with one of her best friends, such pretty girls.I wonder if she will miss her school friends over the summer or not?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Annual Father's Day Photo

I have been taking a photo of the three of them, for Father's Day, for several years now. So fun to see how they are growing and changing, documented in a similar style. Love these little munchkins.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Discovery Museum with a Friend

Today we had scheduled a little play date with one of Bryttain's school friends. So after picking them up from school we headed over to the Bay Area Discovery Museum. I think the older ones are starting to get a bit old for it now, but they always seem to enjoy it. Of course water is always a huge hit!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Creek Fun

We always have so much fun down at the Burtts' creek. They seriously are some of my kids' favorite summer memories. Sun and friends and water. Can't be beat!