Saturday, November 24, 2012


We had the best Thanksgiving, we normally go to our friends' house mid afternoon, to officially celebrate Thanksgiving and share a meal together with others, so the kids started out the day coloring and playing outside.

But it was just such a great day weather-wise that we decided to go for a family hike together. It was just beautiful. At first the kids were a little reluctant when we suggested a 'hike' so we changed it to an 'adventure' and got them all on board. Whatever it takes eh?!

 Poor Asia, we had hiked way out to a little alcove of a beach and we mentioned the tide was starting to come in and we should start to head back to the main beach and she COMPLETELY freaked out. She was absolutely terrified that she was going to drown, no matter how much we tried to reassure her that we were just planning ahead. No matter how much we cuddled and held her, even when we got back to the main beach she still was traumatized. It was SO sad. Don't think I'll ever forget that reaction and hope that she has not been scarred for life.

I decided to be 'present' for Thanksgiving, so no photos of the food, but it was, as always, a great time. We have so much to be grateful for.

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