Monday, December 10, 2012

Decorating the Tree...

And then we got to decorating; Christmas music, hot cocoa...I try hard to not get too OCD about it all :)

It's getting a little easier and quicker (and less re-arranging for Mom and Dad to do) each year!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Such a fun full day. We started out with the Christmas Cafe and Fair here at the Seminary. The kids basically get to shop for ridiculously low prices, for everyone in their immediate family, while we eat snacks and socialize. It's amazing, they get to go and choose and 'buy' things with the help of another adult and it all gets to be a surprise for the rest of us, and it all happens in one morning. The staff and faculty wives buy items throughout the year for this event. Love it.

Then we headed North and got to have a quick bite of lunch with friends we don't see nearly enough, since our move.

After that, we headed up to our favorite Christmas tree farm, Celesta Farms in Sebastopol to pick out and chop down our Christmas tree, it's one of my favorite traditions. We love this place, complete with free cookies and hot drinks and reasonable prices. It really is a family affair, choosing our tree is a tricky process and we all have different ideas but we always find the perfect tree for us.

Exhausted but happy, we ended our day at Pings for Chinese Food, for dinner. There would be no cooking after that long day.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Kiddo Art Show

So proud of our little boy. A painting he did was selected to be in an art show at a local bank. We are very fortunate that our kids have dedicated art teachers, through Kiddo, an organization that raises money from parents and businesses to keep the arts in schools. They had a little reception that we all got to go to tonight to see his work and the work of the other kids and just celebrate him. He's a cool kid!