Monday, September 10, 2012

First Day of School 2012

Today was back to school day, for my oldest two. In theory, it would have also been Asia's first day, but the powers-that-be changed the cut off date by a month and so now she will have another year home with me. I think she's fine with that, and actually so am I!
We all made the effort to get up and ready early so we could walk to school instead of driving. So glad that James didn't have class this day, this year and was able to organize his work to go in later and join us for the walk to school and meeting teachers.

As has become our little tradition, Asia and I went on a little date and had hot chocolate together at Starbucks. Makes her feel pretty special.

She was anxious for school to be over though and couldn't wait to see her brother and sister again.

First day of school tradition, all the kids get ice cream, not bad! Nice way to end the day and we even got a shot with the principle, doesn't everyone look delighted?

This was SO much better than last year's fiasco and I am incredibly grateful :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Last weekend we went for a little family trip to Jenness Park. I love spending time with my little clan and we had such a great time. I enjoyed the fact that even though our cabin had a kitchenette we opted for their meals, it made it really feel like a break instead of still having to cook and clean. The weather was perfect and last week's kayaking with the cousins meant there was no learning curve for kayaking here. The kids loved fishing too, although James was the only one to catch anything. Looking forward to visiting again next year.

It was a bit of a drive, but we made it.
Our cabin and the kids loved being able to serve themselves in the dining room.
Inside our cabin. The kids slept up in the loft and had great fun jumping from the stairs.
We drove to a nearby beach with hopes of better luck catching fish. Didn't quite work  out like that.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Today was my birthday. Just like any other day really, all the usual running around, plus James had classes so we weren't able to celebrate or do anything special. I was fine with that, I know we'll go out for dinner at the weekend, but towards the end of the day, I confess, I started feeling a little sorry for myself. After a drive home with bickering kids, I was even irritated and frustrated. Then I got out of the car and caught a reflection in the window of the car I had parked next to.

I have never seen anything like it, it was a rainbow in the sunset. It literally took my breath away and my heart started to beat a little faster and I knew it was a special birthday present from God to me. I have always loved rainbows, they bring me such hope and joy and each one feels like a gift to me and this one, for my birthday was extra special! Sure everybody got to enjoy it, but it was for ME, I have no doubts about it. My mood was lifted instantly, as I ran for my camera, which of course was woefully inadequate to capture such an amazing sight, but I will never forget it! Best birthday present ever!