Monday, September 13, 2010


My lovely Bryttain. She napped in my bed today, it is just easier to separate the two girls at nap time, the point being for them to nap and not just play. I was exhausted too and fell asleep before her as she lay quietly playing with a doll. When I woke up, this is what I found; she had zipped her baby inside her cardigan and fallen fast asleep. So precious.

Happy Birthday to Me

It was my birthday last weekend. Another year older, most definitely grayer, hopefully (but I doubt it) wiser. I know I am loved, and that is a great feeling, there may be plenty of things that we do not have, but I am blessed.
I was brought breakfast in bed (a little earlier than would have been my preference) and hand-made candles and cards and decorations.

Children provide such a wonderful perspective on life. It is so easy as we get older to forgo things, such as parties (which inevitably I would end up doing all the work for anyway) but Arran was determined that we should do something to celebrate my day. Well a month or so back I had bought tickets for Six Flags on one of those online deals, the kids have never been, the weather was going to be great so it seemed like it would be a fun way to spend our day. Between animals and rides the kids had a blast. It was hot and sweaty and exhausting but it was fun. Just watching my children enjoying themselves, brings me so much joy.

On entering the park, maps had to be scrutinized and decisions made. Arran especially. loves this job.

The kids loved the seal and sea lion show. They actually thought they were talking and did not quite connect that there were people behind the scenes talking into the microphones. So cute!

Up close and personal with the stingrays.


As Arran and Bryttain prepared for this ride, Asia was absolutely devastated to not be able to go on. She was truly confused, heart-broken, and finally a little mad!

To distract her, I took her over to another ride. I had not realized that adults could not go on with their children on this one, so I wondered if she would change her mind. This little girl is fearless though, she got right on, sat next to a little boy she had never met before and held on for dear life. She never ceases to amaze me.

Then she forlornly watched as the other two finished up on their ride. She was pretty sad. Good news was though, that man behind her seeing how sad she was, filled us in that she could in fact go on with an adult, just not on her own, because of her size.

I love this shot James captured...just a tiny bit out of focus, but I like that it captures the motion. She was SO happy to get to ride the giant swing.

She is such a mommy's girl right now. We took photos of each other as we waited very patiently (for a VERY long time) as James stood in line to get cold drinks for us. Yes, she really took this picture! I helped with some of the weight, but she put it up to her eye and composed and pressed the button. That's my two year old!

There were many rides.

It really was a pretty hot day, so the water sprinkler areas were a huge hit.

After cooling off, we heading to the warm and humid butterfly house.

There were many animals, not all of which I got pictures of. It has been so long since we have been to the zoo, so this made up for it a little.

Fun times all around.