Saturday, November 24, 2012


We had the best Thanksgiving, we normally go to our friends' house mid afternoon, to officially celebrate Thanksgiving and share a meal together with others, so the kids started out the day coloring and playing outside.

But it was just such a great day weather-wise that we decided to go for a family hike together. It was just beautiful. At first the kids were a little reluctant when we suggested a 'hike' so we changed it to an 'adventure' and got them all on board. Whatever it takes eh?!

 Poor Asia, we had hiked way out to a little alcove of a beach and we mentioned the tide was starting to come in and we should start to head back to the main beach and she COMPLETELY freaked out. She was absolutely terrified that she was going to drown, no matter how much we tried to reassure her that we were just planning ahead. No matter how much we cuddled and held her, even when we got back to the main beach she still was traumatized. It was SO sad. Don't think I'll ever forget that reaction and hope that she has not been scarred for life.

I decided to be 'present' for Thanksgiving, so no photos of the food, but it was, as always, a great time. We have so much to be grateful for.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I was bound and determined that we would do photos for a Christmas card this year and get it done in plenty of time. I picked out our outfits, checked sunset times, told everyone a couple of days in advance and got oks on the clothes choices.

The kids are so cute and we started out pretty well.

The sweet girls danced together for me and giggled.

And although there were a series of over 50 with Bryttain pulling a grumpy face because she'd decided she'd had enough and would rather be playing with friends (who'd knocked on the door as we were heading out) we still managed to get some of us all laughing together.

And even one at the end of James and I.

Love my precious family, SO much!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Teeth are gone

Oh my sweet sweet Bryttain. Last night we noticed a strange lump on her top gum above her wiggly tooth. It didn't look nice at all and although she was saying it didn't hurt, after calling the dentist (who lives almost an hour away) it was decided that we should take her in to get it checked out. Turned out it was an infection, likely caused years previously when she might have fallen or been knocked as a toddler, surfacing now. Both top teeth had to be pulled.

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She was SO brave and those teeth would have fallen out soon, but it's still a little sad.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cooking kids

My kids love to help in the kitchen. I love that they love to help, of course, but our current kitchen is so tiny that I don't always have the most patience and would rather just get the job done quickly, on my own and get out of there. The other night James cooked and had the older two help him - double score for me!

I got to relax while they worked, and little Miss Asia played games on the phone.

Then we all enjoyed a yummy Thai curry!